Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Look Ma, I'm a Real Girl!

This weekend we went to the new house to help pack. Potential Landlord is a total slob. His kitchen was a disaster and the rest of the house wasn't much better. We ended up throwing out at least 10 large contractor trashbags worth of crap. Plus packing a bunch of boxes. SO MUCH DUST. SO MANY GROSS DISHES. So we spent about 10 hours packing and cleaning... Frank was so much help, he really is wonderful. Biker looks like he is going to be our third roommate, which will be nice, he is handy and helpful. Anytime he sleeps on our couch I wake up to dishes done or trash taken out or something of that nature. Saturday my allergies started acting up, so Sunday I took some medicine. I can't imagine how useless I would have been had I not done that. I dropped my cellular device in a creek Sunday also. Frank jumped in after it but the water was deeper than he is tall (6'5) so we were unable to retrieve it. I spent the rest of the weekend and up until last night without a phone. Momma took me and we picked out a new iPhone 5c. It is blue with a blue case. I'm seriously concidering taking it back and trading for a yellow phone... The case is blue with little holes in it and I think a yellow phone would pop wonderfully :) I kept feeling worse and woke up with a fever yesterday so I was unable to come to work. :( I am back today and much better for it! My Jarden is still not showing any progress. I'm trying very hard to not overwater while still keeping the seeds moist. I think tonight when I get home I may put some plastic wrap over the tops of them so that the water will be trapped. I brought my palm tree indoors for the season this weekend, I think it is getting too cold at night for the likes of my ponytail palm. Let's see... Owl says that the power and utilities are all on now, so cleaning should be much more efficient. Imagine cleaning a house with no power or water :/

This year I am thinking that I will participate in NaNoWriMo. I have my idea for my story and I think that this year I may be able to finally complete a NaNoWriMo challenge. I'm going to shoot for 100,000 words. If I start getting close to that and decide I can do better I will update that number. I will be working on story boards and charactor sheets between now and November 1. For those of you unaware, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month and takes place in November every year. The problem I have had in the past has been forgetting to write every day, even just a little bit, and overediting. If November is for writing, then December must be for editing. I think that I will be doing this in the form of blog post drafts. Yall won't be able to see the chapters but I think that this will be a wonderful way to keep track of chapters and not be concerned with editing (since misspelled words don't pop up) and I can access this anywhere in the entire world. If I don't complete my chapter a day goal at work then I will be able to do so at home that evening without worrying about misplaced flash drives or remembered laptops. Yes, I believe this will work nicely. Yall may be seeing chapter posts in a sister blog closer to the new year after I have had a chance to edit!

I feel as though I am becoming a productive member of society. I have a job that would have driven me crazy five years ago that I would have felt had no merit. No reason to be. Now I understand why it is important. I understand that without all the cogs working, an office can fall apart. Not that it will fall apart without me, if I wasn't here they would find someone to replace me and in the mean time, someone else would take over my duties. I want a garden, so that I can grow things like spinich and herbs and squash. I want to bake. I want to keep my dishes out of the sink. I want to vacuum and dust and make sure all my laundry is folded and put away because I don't like wrinkly clothing. When I think about where I want to be in five years, I don't think of what my house will look like or what kind of car I want to drive or what my job will be like, I think that I just want to be happy. Living healthy in a clean home. I want to go Geo-caching. I discovered today that there are three! geocaching locations in the park next door to the new house. I want to come up with some kind of small trinket that I can leave in those places. Maybe something that I can order 100 of for 5 dollars online. A child's birthday party favor. I created my username for Geocaching today, it is Waterbaby8391 :) If I decide to pursue this I will be updating yall about the places I visit!

Can I start NaNoWriMo-ing early? Does that count? I think that I will. I feel motivated today. I don't want to wait. I think that I will try doing things more NOW than waiting until the appropriate time?

"It has to start somewhere, it has to start somehow.
What better place than here, what better time than now?"

1 comment:

bulletholes said...

" I want to keep my dishes out of the sink."
This is huge!