Saturday, June 13, 2009


Tonight was the whole reason we came up to Denver! Colorado's grandparents (Nana and Papa) had their 50th Wedding Anniversary! We had a bar-b-q last night and a wonderful party with lots of dancing tonight. I met a lot of future relatives and they are just great. Good food, good friends and dancing. I can't take enough pictures! Tomorrow we are going to Estes Park and Mount Evans, which has the highest paved road in North America, or so I've been told. I'm hoping to see a bit of snow. I've seen some snow-capped mountains in the distance so we might get lucky! More pictures soon, I'm tired!!


Barbara said...

I hope the family understands you are planning to join them!

Waterbaby said...

They do, and they all seem to like me a whole bunch!

bulletholes said...

I wanna dance.
They were cool. I reeally wanted to have a beer with them, but I can't have a beer.
But I can dance!

Waterbaby said...

ha ha, oh daddy! You can dance with them all you want at the wedding in a few years, too bad you have to wait til then!